
  • Patches
Patches are the combination of SP (Star Power) of songs. They serve to let you know when it's time to release the SP (Ex: 2-3-3-2-2) using the patches in the correct way will definitely give you more points in the songs!

  • Combo
The combo serves to help you even more, showing exactly how to release the SP (of course every song has an individual combo), and it's usually even more useful than the patches. The lower left side of the screen shows your combo, now just wait for the right moment and release the SP.

  • Squeeze
This one is a bit more complicated. The squeeze is reviving the note, letting it pass a little or a lot depending on how you play and squeeze right after. It is complicated and requires a lot of practice. This serves to gain a bit of time to drop the SP and pull an extra note at the end of SP. With this you can open a certain advantage in your records.

These tips are essential to play Guitar Flash better, and I hope I was able to help someone. Good game! xD.
